Current state
Teachionary includes language learning resources for 18 languages
including some of the most rarely taught, yet important,
of modern spoken languages.
Today you can visit the website, click on Teachionary, click on a
language name, click on a word set, and start learning the words for,
say, face parts in Uzbek.
Students enrolled in language learning classes in these languages can
benefit from supplemental language-lab services to enhance recall of
what they learn in class and to prepare for material to be presented
in a communicative context.
Travellers visiting another country, needing some resource to learn
with, can use Teachionary to learn hundreds of useful words.
Teachionary has limitations currently. While it optimizes the
cognitive process of vocabulary memorization, it does not provide a
complete language teaching curriculum.
I'd like to further develop and enhance Teachionary so it can
do more for you, for citizens of this world, so we can all understand
each other better.